Frequently Asked Questions

What is digital photo restoration?
It’s the process of using software and digital techniques to repair or enhance old or damaged photographs.

Do you alter photographs through digital restoration?
We preserve the original image as much as possible while making necessary repairs. We always share the original image so you can compare the two and see the edits that have been made. The restorations may not be perfect - we do the best we can! If you feel that we have erred in some way, please let us know.

What types of edits do you make to the images?
We focus on removing damage such as spots, scratches, and tears, as well as adjusting the brightness, contrast and sharpness to enhance the image quality. We do not make any significant changes to the image itself, such as adding or removing elements, except to areas caused by damage.

Where do you source the photographs you share?

Our main sources are and its sister page Finnish Heritage Agency. The source of every photo is shared on the blog post with a link directly to it.

What about copyright?
We strive to share images that are in the public domain or have been released under a Creative Commons license that allows for sharing and distribution. If you believe we have shared an image without proper attribution or permission, please contact us and we will promptly address the issue.

Is it ethical to digitally restore photographs?
It is a matter of debate. Some people believe that digitally restoring old photographs can help preserve history for future generations, while others believe that it can be a form of historical revisionism. We always share the original photo so you can see the edits that have been made.

Do you have any resources for learning more about the history of the photographs you share?
A brief description or historical context often accompanies each photo. For more information, please visit or reach out to their staff.

Can I use the images or content from this website for my own purposes? No, all digitally restored images and content on this website are the property of The Photo Record and are protected by copyright laws. Any use of the content or images without prior written permission from The Photo Record is strictly prohibited. The only exception are the original images, which you can freely download from the source website, and which are available for public use. Just be sure to check their guidelines for usage requirements or restrictions. A link to the source is provided on each post. Please reach out to us by email if you have any questions or would like to use our content for any reason.

Can I share a link to a blog post or image from this website on my own website or social media account?
Yes, you may share a link to a blog post or image from this website on your own website or social media account, as long as you give proper credit to the website owner and do not reproduce or modify the content in any way.

Can I use the images or content from this website for educational or non-profit purposes?
Please reach out to us first to request permission. Any use of the content or images without permission is a violation of copyright laws. The original images are available on the source websites.

Can I donate photographs to be featured on your website?
Please reach out to us by email or use our contact form to discuss this further.

Can I contribute my skills to The Photo Record as a digital restorer?
We're always open to collaboration and would love to hear from you! Please feel free to reach out to us via email or through our website's contact form to discuss any potential partnerships or contributions.

How can I support your website?
You can support our website by sharing our content on social media, donating to the archives and museums that we source our photographs from, or by simply enjoying and appreciating the historical photographs that we share.

Do you colourize photos?
No. We love colourized photographs however we leave that to other fantastic artists.