
The Photo Record is an archive of digitally restored historic photographs from Finland and beyond.

Kreeta Haapasalo - Kantele-Kreeta

Kreeta Haapasalo - Kantele-Kreeta

Kreeta Haapasala, also known as Kantele-Kreeta, was a Finnish kantele-player and folk musician. Focusing on instruments, Kreeta did not sing until later in life, saying in 1890, "When I was young I did not sing, but when sorrow and distress came as an adult, then I first burst out in song." (Wikipedia)

Her repertoire mainly included spiritual songs, folk dances, and ballads. She also composed her own pieces, many of which were sorrowful. Returning from a trip she found that two of her children had died from an epidemic and were to be buried that day.

During the famine of 1867-68, Kreeta was forced to go on singing trips to make money to feed her family. One of her songs laments, “Lapseni minun kotia huonolle hoidolle jäi, kun pitkin mailman turuja mun täytyy kulkia näin'‘ (My children remain home with poor care, while I must journey across the world this way).

Kreeta gave birth to eleven children. Her image can be found on the Finnish stamp.

Original Photograph

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Restored Photograph

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Photo Information

Original photo courtesy of the Finnish Heritage Agency
Photographer: Unknown
Year: 1887

Link to original photo here

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