
The Photo Record is an archive of digitally restored historic photographs from Finland and beyond.

Celebrating One Year Of Restoring Old Finnish Photographs

Celebrating One Year Of Restoring Old Finnish Photographs

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since I began sharing my passion for restoring and preserving historical photographs from Finland. This project started a couple of years ago with countless hours browsing through the Finnish photo archives followed by months of digital restoration during which I learned so much about the art of retouching and the rich history of Finland.

A year ago, I decided to take the leap and share the restored photos with the world. The response has been incredible, and I’m excited to celebrate this milestone with you.

The Journey So Far

My passion for photo restoration began with a simple goal: to learn if I could bring forgotten memories back to life. From the very first restored photo, it was clear this was more than a hobby - it was an opportunity to share the fascinating history and images I discovered along the way.

Highlights from the First Year

1. Restoring Finnish Heritage: It’s been an absolute privilege to restore numerous photographs from Finland’s late 1800s and early 1900s. These images offer a glimpse into the everyday lives, celebrations, and landscapes of a bygone era. Each restored photo tells a unique story, bringing a piece of history back to life.

2. Building a Community: Through social media platforms on Instagram and Facebook, a community of history enthusiasts, photography buffs, and people passionate about preserving the past has grown. Your support and engagement have been invaluable, and every like, comment, and share is deeply appreciated.

3. Expanding the Collection: Over the past year, the collection of restored photographs has grown from 1 to over 150. Each new image added represents countless hours of work and a commitment to preserving history in the best way I can, given my passion and skills. I’ve loved every single minute.

Looking Forward

As I celebrate this first anniversary, I’m thrilled about the future and the exciting things to come. There are many plans in the works that I can’t wait to share with you. This next year will be focused on expanding the collection even further, diving deeper into the rich history behind each photograph, and continuing to refine my restoration skills.

Thank You to Finnish Archives

My work would not be possible without the incredible resources made available to the public by the Finnish archives and museums, namely Finna and Museovirasto. Their dedication to preserving historical documents and photographs has been invaluable to my work. I extend my heartfelt thanks to these organizations for their meticulous work and generosity in making these images available.

Stay Connected

To stay updated on restorations, upcoming projects, and more, sign up for the newsletter. Be the first to hear about any exciting developments and continue this journey of preserving and sharing history together.

Thank you for being a part of this journey over the past year! Your support has been incredibly encouraging, and I look forward to many more years of preserving and sharing history together.

Merry Christmas + Hyvää Joulua 2024!

Merry Christmas + Hyvää Joulua 2024!

Merry Christmas + Hyvää Joulua!

Merry Christmas + Hyvää Joulua!