
The Photo Record is an archive of digitally restored historic photographs from Finland and beyond.

Kuopio in Winter

Kuopio in Winter

The snowy streets of Kuopio, Finland in winter with a view down Kuningattarenkatu (Queen Street), which is now called Maaherrankatu (Governor Street).

Such a peaceful image. So different from the cityscapes of today.

Original Photograph

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Restored Photograph

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Photo Information

Original photo courtesy of the Finnish Heritage Agency
Photographer: Unknown
Year: 1889-1903

Link to original photo here

A current view of the same bridge (I think) here, courtesy of Google Street View.

Copyright 2023 The Photo Record. All rights reserved. All digitally restored photographs and contents of this article may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the owner.

Harvesting Ice in Hämeenlinna

Harvesting Ice in Hämeenlinna

Helsinki South Port in Winter

Helsinki South Port in Winter