
The Photo Record is an archive of digitally restored historic photographs from Finland and beyond.

The Streets of Rauma in Winter

The Streets of Rauma in Winter

Pedestrians walk along the winter streets of Rauma, Finland towards the Town Hall, which can be seen in the distance. At the time, Rauma was a small coastal town with a population engaged primarily in fishing, agriculture, and maritime trade. Street lights had made their way to Rauma by this time.

Winter in Rauma, as in the rest of Finland, brought short daylight hours, extreme cold, and limited access to resources but life continued despite the hardships.

Original Photograph

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Restored Photograph

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Photo Information

Original photo courtesy of the Finnish Heritage Agency
Photographer: Unknown - Publisher: O.Y. Länsi-Suomen Paperikauppa
Year: early 1900s

Link to original photo here

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