
The Photo Record is an archive of digitally restored historic photographs from Finland and beyond.

Herring Fishing in Suursaari

Herring Fishing in Suursaari

In the late 1800s, Suursaari Island relied heavily on fishing as a primary source of livelihood in the Gulf of Finland. Despite its remote location and relatively sparse population, consisting mainly of fishermen and their families, Suursaari's economy was deeply intertwined with the abundance of herring and other fish species in its waters.

In the photo, hailin kalastajia, or herring fishermen, gather at the veneranta, or boat landing, to prepare for their fishing trips using traditional methods like drift netting and seine fishing.

Suursaari's rugged terrain, dense forests, and rocky shores provided both challenges and opportunities for its inhabitants, who depended on the abundant marine resources for survival. The island's strategic location near important sea routes and its natural harbor contributed to its significance in maritime trade and defense.

Original Photograph

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Restored Photograph

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Photo Information

Original photo courtesy of the Finnish Heritage Agency
Photographer: 1890-1910
Year: Unknown

Link to original photo here

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