
The Photo Record is an archive of digitally restored historic photographs from Finland and beyond.

Tampere Street

Tampere Street

Tampere in the 1800s evolved from a small town into a significant industrial city. Founded in 1779, it experienced rapid growth due to its burgeoning industries. The town's layout featured wooden houses, cobblestone streets, and the prominent Tammerkoski rapids that powered its factories. Socially, Tampere was a diverse community, with Finnish, Swedish, and Russian inhabitants, reflecting Finland's geopolitical status at the time.

Educational and cultural institutions began to emerge, catering to the growing population. Landmarks like the Old Church (1824) and the Tampere Cathedral (1897) were built, symbolizing the town's development. By the end of the century, Tampere had established itself as a key urban center in Finland, characterized by its industrial growth and diverse community.

Original Photograph

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Restored Photograph

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Photo Information

Original photo courtesy of the Finnish Heritage Agency
Photographer: Daniel Nyblin
Year: 1893

Link to original photo here

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