
The Photo Record is an archive of digitally restored historic photographs from Finland and beyond.

Tampere Market Square

Tampere Market Square

In the mid-1800s, Tampere's market was a bustling center of trade and commerce, reflecting the town's growing significance as an industrial hub in Finland. Established nearly a century earlier in 1779 by King Gustav III of Sweden, the market square, known as Keskustori, served as the focal point for local residents and traders. At the market, farmers, craftsmen, and merchants converged to sell their wares.

The market offerings would have reflected the changing times, with traditional agricultural products alongside goods produced by the burgeoning industrial sector. As Tampere experienced rapid industrialization, items such as textiles, metalwork, and paper goods likely became increasingly prevalent among the market stalls, showcasing the town's transition from agrarian economy to industrial powerhouse.

Original Photograph

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Restored Photograph

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Photo Information

Original photo courtesy of the Finnish Heritage Agency
Photographer: Svante Lagergrén
Year: 1868

Link to original photo here

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Tampere Street

Tampere Street

Frenckell and Finlayson Mills in Tampere

Frenckell and Finlayson Mills in Tampere