Korkeasaari in Winter
During the late 19th century, Korkeasaari was not only a popular excursion destination but also home to private residences. While horses were the most common draft animals, donkeys were also used for lighter loads and short-distance transport.
This winter scene from the 1890s shows a wooden house surrounded by snow-laden trees, with a sleigh making its way through the landscape. At the time, Helsinki’s winters were harsh, and reliable transport was essential for daily life, whether for gathering supplies, visiting neighbors, or traveling further into the city.
Today, Korkeasaari is best known as the location of Helsinki Zoo, but in the 19th century, it was a quiet island with homes, gardens, and small-scale agriculture.
Original Photograph
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Photo Information
Original photo courtesy of the Finnish Heritage Agency
Photographer: K.E. Ståhlberg
Year: 1890-1899
Link to original photo here
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